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Sustainability is changing the business landscape, and the broadcast and streaming sector is no exception. 在选择技术合作伙伴时,业务和技术因素曾经是主要考虑因素, 现在,可持续性已经成为组织不能忽视的第三大支柱.

Some of the most prominent investment organizations, 比如贝莱德, now place sustainable investing at the forefront of business strategy, driven by the rise in Environmental, 社会, and Governance (ESG) initiatives. 全球可持续共同基金的资产预计将从略低于0美元的水平增长.5tn in 2013 to total almost $2tn by 2028.

越来越多地, 投资者将拒绝考虑任何对可持续性没有坚定承诺的投资, and this is likely to become much more prominent in the next five years or so. 因此,广播和流媒体公司如果不采取可持续的做法,就有可能失去大量投资.

Sustainability S厂的,P

的 pressure for c焊割 is also coming from end users. Netflix announced its annual carbon footprint for 2020 in an ESG report, and the results made for surprising reading for many consumers. 的 streaming service provider generated roughly 1.1 百万公吨的二氧化碳2 去年的排放量相当于大约24万辆乘用车的年排放量.

随着消费者越来越意识到他们购买的组织的碳影响, they’re now more likely to turn to a g沟er alternative, particularly in the wake of the C奥维德-19年大流行. In fact, research discovered that 五分之四 consumers prefer to buy from sustainable sellers, and this is likely to extend to their choice of streaming services. 虽然意识在增长, 从监管的角度来看,广播和流媒体行业迄今几乎没有取得任何进展, with little in the way of sustainability targets other than the general CO2 emission reduction objectives delivered at the governmental level.

一线希望, 然而, is the g沟 shoots of a sustainable association that are starting to sprout. 流媒体绿化, of which ATEME is a founding member, 是否有一个新的协会将流媒体行业的组织聚集在一起,分享最佳实践,并在整个行业推动更高的能源效率.

现在,在全球范围内,广播公司和流媒体服务提供商有责任在其流程和服务中采用可持续的做法,从内部推动真正的变革, and there are some key steps they can take to ensure this.

确保 GInitiatives

With sustainability becoming a core element of organizational strategy, 广播公司和流媒体服务提供商需要考虑与流媒体处理解决方案相关的碳足迹. 他们还必须通过实现最佳实践来优化流程,以减少硬件和软件的功耗.

Two things can help in the long-term to get the highest possible efficiency. One is the introduction of new codecs; the second is encoders using standards-compliant algorithms. Both can work together to reduce bitrate and bandwidth consumption. This will lead to a lower carbon footprint as less storage, streaming capability and caching is required. This strategy does, 然而, have immediate consequences. Deploying new codecs requires new devices, 这在物理成分方面有其自身的含义,以及这如何增加碳排放. Organizations need to take additional steps to make an immediate difference.

CDN和 S很勤奋 R百家乐软件

十年前, industry solutions were chosen mainly for their performance, 例如,在给定的服务器上可以产生多少频道用于编码和内容分发网络(CDN)的命中率. 虽然这些业绩标准仍然适用,对市场竞争力仍然至关重要, 满足这些要求还有助于提高可持续性:它使视频传输更有效,减少百家乐软件浪费. A reduction in bitrate via improved compression techniques, 例如, enables more channels on a single server, leading to reduced bandwidth consumption throughout the CDN. By also optimizing CDN caching, a g沟er service is facilitated.

弹性CDN还可以使系统将最流行的内容带到边缘, 远离中心枢纽, ensuring viewers get quick access to the content they most wish to see. While beneficial for viewers, 这也意味着内容将不再需要从中心位置交付. 这有助于减少必要的带宽和成本,实现更可持续的实践.

S很勤奋 workflows and rResources, as well as just-in-time packagers, also contribute to reducing bandwidth requirements, thereby increasing sustainability. A single workflow can be used for both live and time-shifted video, meaning each profile only needs to be sent and stored once. 技术解决方案允许广播公司和流媒体服务提供商提供实时处理的内容, ensuring content is processed only when it is needed by viewers. 通过按需生产, the need for hardware rResources and CPU storage is reduced, 从而降低电力消耗,提高服务的可持续性.

有助于 B废屑 A反抗 Climate C焊割

广播公司和视频服务提供商可以通过采用减少存储的端到端解决方案来确保其服务更具可持续性, bandwidth and hardware requirements. This will result in significant energy savings across the three ‘Scopes’ as 概述 G沟house Gas (GHG) Protocol, 哪一点突出了视频压缩和流媒体解决方案供应商对环境贡献的重要性. As the industry comes under greater scrutiny from investors and end users, 使视频传输更具可持续性意味着广播和流媒体行业的组织可以在减少碳排放的集体努力中发挥重要作用, helping to mitigate the risks posed by climate c焊割.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from Ateme. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

的 State of Streaming Sustainability 2024

How do others see us, and how do we measure our progress? 有关流媒体功耗的新数据将促使行业进一步降低功耗,同时努力制定长期解决方案,将旧技术与当前最佳实践结合起来,以延长流媒体技术在未来几年的寿命.


TV production's carbon output in the UK dropped by more than half in 2021, and though some of that is due to production shutdowns, 有明显的迹象表明,行业为提高可持续性所做的努力正在发挥作用. Still, there's a long way to go, according to a new report from Blackbird.

Sustainability, Streaming, and the Data Attribution Challenge

“可持续性”可能是流媒体行业最重要的流行语, 但目前大多数定义“绿色”或“净零”流的努力都没有达到目标.

流媒体绿色化, One Year On


It's Not Easy Streaming G沟

流媒体视频产生的能源消耗将超过航空业. 那么我们能做些什么呢?


的 content delivery network used only renewable energy for its east coast U.S. 2020年的数据中心, a year marked by notable traffic spikes for video, 网络游戏, 软件下载


将我们的注意力转向使流媒体交付生态系统更加环保的时间早已过去. 以下是一些关键的挑战,以及一些建议的解决方案的第一步.

Companies and Suppliers Mentioned